Who We Are - Meet the Planning Staff

Name Email
Tamra Mabbott, Planning Director tmabbott@co.morrow.or.us
Stephen Wrecsics, GIS Analyst swrecsics@co.morrow.or.us
Kaitlin Kennedy, Compliance Planner  kkennedy@co.morrow.or.us
Michaela Ramirez, Office Manager mramirez@co.morrow.or.us
Landon Jones, Planning Technician (GIS) ljones@co.morrow.or.us
Daisy Goebel, Principal Planner dgoebel@co.morrow.or.us

About Us

The Morrow County Planning Department provides technical assistance and information to the public and local officials, administers the County land use regulations, and supports a variety of planning related programs. The Department’s primary functions include: staff support to governing bodies; ordinance administration; clearance for all building and placement permits; comprehensive planning; special studies and inventories; rural addressing; and assisting the public relative to land use.