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MC-C-1-00, ordained by the Morrow County Court on March 9, 2000. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Subdivision Ordinance, section 5.070, setting forth survey requirements for land partitions in general and allowing an exemption for parcels in excess of 80 acres.
MC-C-2-2000, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 12, 2000. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County zoning ordinance to remove section 3.040 (2) (G) from the Rural Residential-one acre zone. Removal of section3.040 (2) (G) would eliminate as a conditional use "Operation for the Exploration, Mining, and Processing of Geothermal Resources as defined by subsection (4) of ORS 522.005, Aggregate and other Mineral Resources: in the Rural Residential Zone.
MC-C-3-00, ordained by the Morrow County Court on December 14, 2000. In the matter of adopting a procedure for submitting an application for compensation arising under the provisions of section 18, Article 1 of the Oregon Constitution, as amended by Ballot Measure No. 7 adopted November 7, 2000, and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-4-00, ordained by the Morrow County Court on June 28, 2000. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change a one-acre parcel of land located in the Ione Urban Growth Boundary from Residential to General Commercial.
MC-C-1-01, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 3, 2001. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance to allow extended stay in a recreation vehicle park under certain circumstances. (RV extended stay)
MC-C-1-01, ordained by the Morrow County Court on February 23, 2001. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Comprehensive Plan to include a site to the Goal 5 Aggregate Inventory. The site to be included is referred to as the Padberg Pit.
MC-C-3-01, ordained by the Morrow County Court on November 7, 2001. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance to include an update and codification of each Ordinance.
MC-C-1-02, ordained by the Morrow County Court on March 13, 2002. An Ordinance adopting site Development Review Provisions and amending Article 4 Supplementary Provisions of the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance.
MC-C-2-02, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 10, 2002. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, the Morrow County Transportation System Plan, and the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance to allow for the siting of a speedway and related facilities at the Boardman Airport.
MC-C-3-02, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 7, 2002. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan and the Transportation System Plan to incorporate the Lexington Airport Layout Plan and maps; to apply the Air Industrial Zone as an Overlay Zone; amend the Airport Approach Zone Section 3.090 to Airport Hazard Zone Section 3.091 to reference the Airport Layout Plan maps and amend the Zoning and Comprehensive Plan maps.
MC-C-1-03, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 15, 2003. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan on remand from the Land Use Board of Appeals acknowledging an exception to Goal 3 to allow for the siting of a speedway and related facilities at the Boardman Airport.
MC-C-1-04, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 10, 2004. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County and the City of Irrigon Comprehensive Plan maps to expand the Irrigon Urban Growth Boundary to include eleven parcels totaling 5.5 acres.
MC-02-04, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 27, 2004. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive Plan and zoning maps to include a Significant Aggregate Resource Site.
MC-03-04, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 27, 2004. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan by granting an exception Goal 11 to allow delivery of wastewater treatment services by the City of Boardman outside the Urban Growth Boundary on property described herein and to amend the Comprehensive Plan and zoning maps to apply the Limited Use Overlay Zone to said property.
MC-02-05, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 13, 2005. An Ordinance adopting the 2005 Morrow County Transportation System Plan and amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance to implement the 2005 update of the Morrow County Transportation System Plan and to co-adopt the Transportation System Plan for the cities of Boardman, Heppner, Ione, and Irrigon and the town of Lexington for application within the respective Urban Growth Boundaries.
MC-03-05, ordained by the Morrow County Court on September 28, 2005. An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance to reflect changes identified as needed based on a review of an application for a rodeo. Specific changes are made to Article 1 Section 1.030 definitions and Article 3 Sections 3.010 Exclusive Farm Use, and 3.042 Small Farms 40. These changes broaden Equine Uses and better reflect state statutes.
MC-04-05, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 12, 2005. An Ordinance amending Article 5 Land Partitioning of the Morrow County Subdivision Ordinance to better reflect state statute, remove language that allowed large parcel partitions without partition plats, and remove redundancies.
MC-05-05, ordained by the Morrow County Court and Irrigon City Council on November 8, 2005. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County and the City of Irrigon Comprehensive Plan Maps to expand the Irrigon Urban Growth Boundary to include five parcels totaling 32.97 acres.
MC-02-06, adopted by the Morrow County Court on March 15, 2006. An Ordinance adopting two New Use Zones-Rural Light Industrial and Tourist Commercial-to be included in the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance.
MC-04-06, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 12, 2006. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map to apply General Commercial Zoning to the subject property totaling .65 acres.
MC-05-2006, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 18, 2006. An Ordinance adopting changes to the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance, specifically Article 3 section 3.051 and Article 4.110 through 4.150. These changes have to do primarily with the siting of manufactured homes and the use of recreational vehicles.
MC-06-2006, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 18, 2006. An Ordinance adopting the 2006 amendment to the Morrow County Transportation System Plan, specifically two additions to the long-term projects lists.
MC-01-2007, ordained by the Morrow County Court on September 26, 2007. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan Map to apply an Industrial Designation and Zoning Map to apply the Rural Light Industrial Use Zone to the subject property totaling approximately 18 acres.
MC-03-2007, adopted by the Morrow County Court on November 28, 2007. An Ordinance adopting the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) to be part of the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan Map and to adopt amendments to the Flood Hazard Overlay Zone.
MC-04-2007, adopted by the Morrow County Court on December 5, 2007. An Ordinance adopting updates to the Port Industrial and General Industrial Use Zones Sections 3.073 and 3.070 respectively of the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance.
MC-05-2007, adopted by the Morrow County Court on December 12, 2007. An Ordinance adopting a 2007 update to the Morrow County Transportation System Plan.
MC-01-2008, ordained by the Morrow County Court on December 9, 2008. An Ordinance adopting a New Use Zone-Resource Related Industrial-as section 3.015 of the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance.
MC-02-2008, ordained by the Morrow County Court on January 23, 2008. An Ordinance adopting changes to the Speedway Limited Use Overlay Zone and to incorporate the 'decision' into the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance as part of Article 3 Use Zones creating section 3.0130 Speedway Overlay Zone.
MC-03-2008, ordained by the Morrow County Court on February 27, 2008. An Ordinance adopting a Highway 730 Corridor Refinement Plan as part of the Morrow County Transportation System Plan as updated in 2007.
MC-04-2008, ordained by the Morrow County Court on March 5, 2008. An Ordinance adopting the Boardman Airport Layout Plan as part of the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan; amending the Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Ordinance Map; amending the Air Industrial Park, Airport Approach, and Airport Hazard Zones of the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance; and applying The Airport Approach and Airport Hazard Zones to the Boardman Airport.
MC-05-2008, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 9, 2008. An Ordinance adopting changes to the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps amending the City of Boardman Urban Growth Boundary and applying Suburban Residential Zoning to the .77-acre added to the Urban Growth Area.
MC-01-2009, ordained by the Morrow County Court on January 7, 2009. An Ordinance amending Morrow County Zoning Map to include the Resource-Related Industrial Use Zone Designation and to apply the Resource-Related Industrial Use Zone to the subject property totaling approximately 48.60 acres.
MC-3-2009, ordained by the Morrow County Court on June 24, 2009. An Ordinance adopting minor amendments to the Morrow County Transportation System Plan in 2009.
MC-4-2009, ordained by the Morrow County Court on June 24, 2009. An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Article 3 Section 3.072 Space Age Industrial Zone.
MC-6-2009, ordained by the Morrow County Court on December 16, 2009. An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Article 1 Introductory Provisions.
MC-7-2009, ordained by the Morrow County Court on December 23, 2009. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Map to include a locally significant Aggregate Resource Site.
MC-8-2009, ordained by the Morrow County Court on December 23, 2009. An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Article 2 Establishment of Zones.
MC-9-2009, ordained by the Morrow County Court on December 23, 2009. An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Article 4 Supplementary Provisions section 4.130 Hardship Dwellings.