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Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

Morrow County Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Recent fires in Oregon and across the western United States have increased public awareness over the potential losses to life, property, and natural and cultural resources that fire can pose. The 2019 update to the Morrow County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (MCCWPP) is the result of a countywide effort initiated to reduce wildland fire risk to communities and their citizens, the environment, and quality of life within Morrow County. Citizens, fire districts, county staff or elected officials, and agency representatives have worked together to create a plan that would be successful in implementing fuels reduction projects, fire prevention education campaigns, and other fire-related programs. The planning process was designed to meet the guidance in the National Fire Plan and the Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003 (HR-1904). A Stakeholder Group with representatives from the various agencies and local jurisdictions responsible for wildfire suppression and protection worked together to guide the planning process. Numerous meetings were held throughout the development of the Plan to gain input from representative interest groups. Goals for the update process were:
- Identify and evaluate wildfire hazards utilizing risk data collected from the Oregon Advanced Wildfire Risk Explorer with an emphasis as identified by MCCWPP Stakeholder Group members on Communities at Risk.
- Improve wildfire response capability of fire districts and better prepare Morrow County residents to survive and save their property during a wildfire situation.
- Ensure that the county and their respective fire districts and communities are eligible for funding assistance to reduce wildfire hazards and to prepare residents for wildfire situations (National Fire Plan, Healthy Forest Restoration Act, FEMA, and other sources).
- Develop recommended strategies for private, state, and federal lands to reduce hazardous fuel situations and reduce the risk for damage to lives and property from wildfires.
This Plan describes the various agencies and local jurisdictions responsible for wildfire protection in Morrow County and explains the pertinent programs and laws associated with wildfire issues. This plan provides an overall assessment of the wildfire risk in Morrow County and considers and rates: ignition risk, wildfire hazards, values protected, protection capability, and structural vulnerability. A Wildland Urban Interface boundary is established and includes portions of National Forest and private lands. This Plan offers Action Items designed to reduce the wildfire risk for Morrow County as a whole, as well as specific zones and communities.