Budget Committee

The Morrow County budget committee is comprised of six members; three of the six positions are filled by the County Commissioners and the remaining three are appointed members who must be registered voters in Morrow County.  Appointees may not be officers, agents, or employees of Morrow County. The budget committee members shall receive no compensation for their services.

Budget committee meetings are typically held in mid-April.  At these meetings, the budget committee receives the budget message and the proposed budget document, which it may revise, before it is formally approved.  The budget committee meetings also provide members of the public with an opportunity to ask questions about and comment on the budget document. 


Current Members
Name Term 
Position 1:  Kim Cutsforth

July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025

Position 2:  VACANT July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024
Position 3:  Gibb Evans July 1, 2023 -  June 30, 2026
Commissioner David Sykes  
Commissioner Jeff Wenholz  
Commissioner Roy Drago Jr.