Solid Waste Advisory Committee

Morrow County Public Works is seeking individuals wanting to serve on the Morrow County Solid Waste Committee (SWAC). Open Positions at this time: representatives for Port of Morrow/Incorporated City in Morrow Co., Franchised solid waste provider, position at Large for Morrow County and alternates for all Seven positions, Representation shall be from Finley Buttes Landfill operation, residing near or adjacent to Finley Buttes, Owner or real property near Finley Buttes, Port of Morrow or Incorporated City in Morrow Co., Franchised solid waste collector, two persons County at Large.  Committee members shall become familiar with the operations, standards and financing needs of the Morrow County Transfer Stations and Franchisee agreements.

The duties of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee shall be to: Provide a forum for citizen comments, questions and concerns about solid waste topics as deemed appropriate and necessary by the Board of Commissioners provide leadership for the development, funding and implementation of the County’s solid waste programs, Develop and recommend to the Board of Commissioners standards for the location of recycling and/or collection sites in order to provide service to under-served areas.  Recommend to the Board of Commissioners solid waste collection rates and the adjustment of these rates, based upon information submitted by the County’s solid waste Requests for appointment shall be presented to Public Works in writing by the candidate on the form presented. Members shall reside or own property within Morrow County. Committee members shall provide to Morrow County Public Works and the Morrow County Board of Commissioners ongoing assistance.  

Please send request to:
Morrow County Public Works
Attn: Solid Waste Advisory Committee Members
P.O. Box 428
Lexington, OR  97839 

 The form can also be found on the website by visiting