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Willow Creek Valley Housing Implementation Strategy

The Cities of Ione, Lexington, and Heppner have worked over the past 20 years to increase housing production in the Willow Creek Valley. Many of the new housing units have been the result of a public-private partnership between the Willow Creek Valley Economic Development Group (WCVEDG) and the Ione Community Agri-Business Organization (ICABO). While that formula has produced some new housing, the lack of infrastructure along with a lack of developer capacity in the area has
caused housing development to stall.
Cities across Oregon are struggling to attract housing
development, especially development that would be suited to low- and middle-income families. Findings from stakeholders indicate that the biggest barriers to housing development in the area include a lack of developer capacity, along with a lack of capacity to advocate for and pursue additional funding for infrastructure and amenities.
The cities have contracts with Anderson Perry & Associates (a civil engineering firm) to develop a plan to address water and wastewater infrastructure deficiencies. However, other barriers to
housing development remain:
- Lack of city capacity and expertise to pursue planning projects and grant opportunities
- Lack of developer capacity in the region to build housing
- Lack of available funding for infrastructure and desired amenities
This Implementation Plan outlines a set of interventions for the cities to
pursue to address the Willow Creek Valley’s housing needs.
Willow Creek Valley Housing Implementation Strategy. Prepared for Morrow County and the Cities of Heppner, Ione, and Lexington by ECONorthwest.