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Morrow County Public Transit - The Loop
Fixed Route Updates Coming Soon!
We are proud to release our interactive map and stop locator. Click Here to view the course of our routes and see which stop will suit you best.
Growth and Change are upon us! As our communities grow and change deviations and delays become more routine as we navigate the construction. Not all stops are accessible on every trip. If you are trying to access our services from a stop in an area of town that is under construction please speak to one of our staff members and communicate your intent to ride so that we can accommodate you at the nearby location.
Call the office today to set up a ride for your next appointment.
Please submit your request to be included in our emails to MCPT@morrowcountyor.gov Subject: Add Me |
Suggest changes to the fixed routes. |
Please submit route/line change suggestions to MCPT@morrowcountyor.gov Subject: Changes Please include the number of persons the change would effect and how often. |
The Loop provides all residents with safe, caring, and reliable transportation services to enhance their quality of life. |
The Loop envisions a transit system that can wholeheartedly serve the residents of Morrow County as well as our neighbors. With our communities being vastly rural, our goal is to provide transportation to services and employment to better the quality of life and economy. |
Serving All Of Morrow County including Veterans, Seniors, Person with Disabilities, limited, or no transportation. Ridership is available to any and all of Morrow County residents. Reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures are available to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability. Accessible formats of information are available upon request. For Spanish Translation please click on Espanol in the upper right-hand corner. Para la traducción al español, haga clic en Español en la esquina superior derecha. |
Our Fixed Routes are up and Running!
Maps and schedules are printable on 8.5x11 or 11x17.
RED, GREEN and BLUE maps and times are posted. Please send questions to theloop@morrowcountyor.gov.