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MC-C-1-90, ordained by the Morrow County Court on February 14, 1990. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Map in the unincorporated areas of the Port of Morrow, Morrow County, Oregon, and declared an emergency (detailed areas in the ordinance).
MC-C-2-90, ordained by the Morrow County Court on December 10, 1990. An ordinance amending certain sections of Morrow County Exclusive Farm Use Zone for compliance with O.R.S. 215.283 as mandated by the State of Oregon and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-4-92, ordained by the Morrow County Court on May 22, 1990. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map in the unincorporated area West of the City of Irrigon Morrow County, Oregon, and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-6-92, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 30, 1992. An Ordinance providing for the protection of resources, requiring compliance with multiple-use policies, and declaring an emergency.
R-06-92, resolved by the Morrow County Court on October 21, 1992. In the matter of Morrow County's rejection of DLCD's proposed rules regarding Farm and Forest Use and Small Scale Resource Lands.
MC-C-2-93, ordained by the Morrow County Court on April 23, 1993. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Map.
MC-C-1-94, ordained by the Morrow County Court on March 16, 1993. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinances, and Zoning Map by rezoning tax lot 400, township 4N, Range 25, Section 11 from Small Farm Forty (SF-49) to Rural Service Center (RSC) Zone, consisting of thirty-nine and ninety-three one hundredth (39.93) acres, and adding said acres to the City of Boardman Urban Growth Boundary.
MC-C-3-94, ordained by the Morrow County Court on June 1, 1994. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map by establishing a Limited Use Overlay Zone designated "Umatilla Army Depot Transition Zone" on the Morrow County portion of the Umatilla Army Depot as designated on the zoning map.
MC-C-4-94, ordained by the Morrow County Court on June 1, 1994. An Ordinance requiring approval of the County Assessor of Partition Plats prior to recording.
MC-C-5-94, ordained by the Morrow County Court on June 28, 1994. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map by rezoning tax lot 1300, township 5 North, range 26, section 25B from Suburban Residential one acre (SR-1) to General Commercial (CG) consisting of 3.01 acres within the Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Irrigon and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-9-94, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 6, 1994. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map by rezoning tax lots 400, 500, 700, 800, 801, 802, 900, 1000, 1003, and 1005, township 4 North range 25, section 17 from unzoned to Farm Residential two acre (FR-2) consisting of 132.53 acres within Morrow County, and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-10-94, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 5, 1994. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map by rezoning tax lot 205, section 36 from unzoned to Rural Residential one acre (RR-1) consisting of 7.93 acres within Morrow County, and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-4-96, ordained by the Morrow County Court on April 24, 1996. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance, section 3.050(3), setting forth standards for siting manufactured homes in the Suburban Residential, one-acre zone, relative exclusively to areas not located within an Urban Growth Boundary.
MC-C-6-96, ordained by the Morrow County Court on June 12, 1996. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance allowing Farm Use as an outright use in the Space Age Industrial and General Industrial-Limited Use Overlay Zone.
MC-C-7-96, ordained by the Morrow County Court on June 14, 1996. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map, to change a one-acre parcel of land zoned Suburban Residential to General Commercial.
MC-C-8-96, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 7, 1996. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance, section 1.030 (definitions), to make certain definitions consistent with Oregon Revised Statute: and, to amend section 3.060 (General Commercial) and section 3.070 (Port Industrial) and section 3.030 (Rural Service Center) to allow "other uses similar to allowed uses".
R-8-96, resolved by the Morrow County Court on March 27, 1996. In the matter of issuing an interpretation of the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance.
MC-C-10-96, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 30, 1996. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map, to change a one-acre parcel of land located in the Irrigon Urban Growth Boundary from Suburban Residential to General Commercial.
MC-C-2-97, ordained by the Morrow County Court on April 2, 1997. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to include a site to the Goal 5 Aggregate Inventory. The site to be included is referred to as the Doherty/Juniper Canyon Pit.
MC-C-3-97, ordained by the Morrow County Court on April 2, 1997. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Map to zone certain lands in the Boardman area Farm Residential-two acre said lands which were previously not included in the county zoning maps but were addressed in the acknowledged Comprehensive Plan as exception areas zoned Farm Residential.
MC-C-4-97, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 9, 1997. An Ordinance approving an exception to statewide planning Goal 3, relating to new roads on land zoned Exclusive Farm Use.
MC-C-5-97, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 17, 1997. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to include a site to the Goal 5 Aggregate Inventory. The site to be included is referred to as the Thompson Pit.
MC-C-6-97, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 6, 1997. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to include a site to the Goal 5 Aggregate Inventory. The site to be included is referred to as the Turner Pit.
MC-C-7-97, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 28, 1997. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to include a site to the Goal 5 Aggregate inventory. The site to be included is referred to as the Turner Pit.
MC-C-5-98, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 22, 1998. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance describing the allowed animal density in the Suburban Residential (SR-1), Suburban Residential 1A (SR-1A) Rural Residential (RR-1), and Farm Residential (FR-2).
MC-C-6-98, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 22, 1998. An Ordinance adopting the Morrow County Master Park Plan and amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan Recreation Element and the Zoning Ordinance section 3.150 and the Zoning Map.
MC-C-7-98, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 7, 1998. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance to allow, as a Conditional Use a single-family dwelling in conjunction with a business in the General Commercial (GC) Zone.
MC-C-8-98, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 7, 1998. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance to implement the Morrow county Transportation System Plan.
MC-C-9-98, ordained by the Morrow County Court on December 23, 1998. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance sections 3.010 (EFU), 3.042 (SF-40), and 3.020 (FU), in order to codify Oregon Administrative Rules for Goals 3 and 4 ( Agricultural and forest Lands) which became effective June 1, 1998, and to codify Oregon Revised Statures Requirements that have occurred since the Zoning Ordinance was acknowledged in 1985.
MC-C-1-99, ordained by the Morrow County Court on February 11, 1999. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance to allow the temporary occupancy of a travel trailer and /or motor home as a residence during construction of a permanent residence.
MC-C-3-99, ordained by the Morrow County Court on March 18, 1999. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to include a site to the Goal 5 Aggregate Inventory. The site to be included is referred to as the ODOT/Jones Hill Pit.
MC-C-4-99, ordained by the Morrow County Court on September 15, 1999. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan Map to expand the Irrigon Urban Growth Boundary to include 17.18 acre parcel for construction of a new school.
MC-C-5-99, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 8, 1999. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to include a site to the Goal 5 Aggregate Inventory. The site to be included is referred to as the Clarks Canyon Pit.