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Planning Commission

Irrigon Hotel early 1900's
The Planning Commission is charged with implementation and maintenance of the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation System Plan, Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance. They accomplish implementation through the process of making quasi-judicial decisions. Within the Zoning Ordinance this might include approving conditional use permits or variances. In the case of the Subdivision Ordinance they approve subdivisions and land partitions. Maintenance of the various document is done by legislative action which is first reviewed by the Planning Commission with a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners to adopt, deny or modify.
Oregon Revised Statute requires that cities and counties prepare, adopt, amend and revise comprehensive plans; enact land use regulations to implement their comprehensive plans; and make land use decisions in compliance with the comprehensive plan and land use regulations. It is the Planning Commission who assists the Board of Commissioners by make quasi-judicial decisions and making recommendations to maintain the various policy and regulatory documents.
Planning Commission hearings are generally held the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. alternating between the Morrow County Government Center in Irrigon and the Bartholomew Building in Heppner.
Please click the link below to view to 2022 Planning Commission meeting dates
How can you become a planning commission member...
The Board of Commissioners appoints members to four year terms, with those terms revolving, meaning not all members are appointed in the same year. Positions are also designed to provide a geographical representation from around the county. Generally there are two members each from the Irrigon, Boardman, Heppner and lone areas with one at-large member. Oregon Revised Statute also limits membership to only two members from any profession, particularly the real estate industry.
Position # | Area Currently Serving | Representative | Date Appointed | Term End Date |
1 | Boardman | Andrew Cemore | 12-18-2024 | 12-31-2025 |
2 | Heppner | Brian Thompson | 02-25-2020 | 12-31-2027 |
3 | Irrigon | Stephen Henthorn | 12-18-2024 | 12-31-2028 |
4 | Ione | Elizabeth Peterson | 01-02-2023 | 12-31-2025 |
5 | Irrigon | Charlene Cooley | 01-02-2023 | 12-31-2026 |
6 | Heppner | John Kilkenny | 01-02-2023 | 12-31-2026 |
7 | At-Large | Tripp Finch | 01-02-2024 | 12-31-2027 |
8 | Ione | Stacie Ekstrom | 02-25-2020 | 12-31-2027 |
9 | Boardman | Karl Smith | 01-01-2022 | 12-31-2025 |