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Natural Hazards

Morrow County developed the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (NHMP) in an effort to reduce future loss of life and property resulting from natural disasters such as the flood event mentioned above. The Heppner Flood was the worst flood, in terms of loss of life, ever to occur in Oregon.
It is impossible to predict exactly when these disasters will occur, or the extent to which they will affect the County. However, with careful planning and collaboration among public agencies, private sector organizations, and citizens within the community, it is possible to minimize the losses that can result from natural disasters.
A natural disaster occurs when a natural hazard impacts people or property and creates adverse conditions within a community. This plan focuses on the primary natural hazards that could affect Morrow County, Oregon, which include drought, wildfire, flooding, windstorms, winter storm, and to a lesser extent, landslides, seismic and volcanic events.
The dramatic increase of the costs associated with natural disasters over past decades has fostered interest in identifying and implementing effective means of reducing vulnerability. This Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan is intended to assist Morrow County in reducing its risk from natural hazards by identifying resources, information, and strategies for risk reduction.
The plan is non-regulatory in nature, meaning that it does not set forth any new policy. It does, however, provide: (1) a foundation for coordination and collaboration among agencies and the public in the County; (2) identification and prioritization of future mitigation activities; and (3) assistance in meeting federal planning requirements and qualifying for assistance programs.
Morrow County is working with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development to update the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan in 2022. If you would like more information you can email the Morrow County Emergency Manager, Paul Gray at pgray@co.morrow.or.us.
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