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MC-01-2010, ordained by the Morrow County Court on January 20, 2010. An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Article 6 Conditional Uses.
MC-2-2010, ordained by the Morrow County Court on March 17, 2010. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Map to include a locally significant Aggregate Resource Site.
MC-03-2010, ordained by the Morrow County Court on May 5, 2010. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map, applying the Tourist Commercial Use Zone of the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance and amending the zoning map by adopting the recommendation of the County Planning Commission on AC-019-10, AC(M)-020-10, AZ-0210-10 and AZ(M)-022-10 regarding the application of Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores.
MC-04-2010, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 21, 2010. An Ordinance amending the Morrow county Comprehensive Plan to include a Goal 5 Significant Aggregate Resource Site and amend the Comprehensive Plan and zoning maps to apply the Significant Resource Overlay Zone.
MC-05-2010, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 4, 2010. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to include a Goal 5 Significant Aggregate Resource Site and amend the Comprehensive Plan and zoning maps to apply the Significant Resource Overlay Zone.
MC-07-2010, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 13, 2010. An Ordinance adopting minor amendments to the Morrow County Transportation System Plan in 2010.
MC-08-2010, ordained by the Morrow County Court on November 3, 2010. An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance General Industrial, General Commercial, Rural Service Center Zones, Article 6, Article 4, and Flood Hazard Overlay Zone primarily for consistency with definitions and uses related to recreation vehicles and recreational vehicle parks.
MC-09-2010, ordained by the Morrow County Court on November 10, 2010. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Map to include a locally significant Aggregate Resource Site.
MC-10-2010, ordained by the Morrow County Court on November 10, 2010. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Map to include a locally significant Aggregate Resource site.
MC-1-2011, ordained by the Morrow County Court on January 19, 2011. An Ordinance changing the Comprehensive Plan Designation from Agricultural to Industrial on approximately 510 acres and to change the Comprehensive Plan Designation from Industrial to Agricultural on approximately 515 acres; to amend the Comprehensive Plan Map accordingly to apply the Port Industrial Use Zone to approximately 510 acres and apply the Exclusive Farm Use Zone to approximately 515 acres; and amend the zoning map accordingly.
MC-2-2011, ordained by the Morrow County Court on February 16, 2011. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan Recreation Element; amending the Zoning Ordinance Article 3 Section 3.150 Parkland Overlay Zone; applying the Parkland Overlay Zone to the Morrow County OHV Park; and amending the Morrow county Zoning Ordinance Map showing the Parkland Overlay Zone to the OHV Park.
MC-3-2011, ordained by the Morrow County Court on September 14, 2011. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Map to include a Locally Significant Aggregate Resource Site.
MC-4-2011, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 26, 2011. An Ordinance adopting a Limited Use Overlay and affirming on remand from the Land Use Board of Appeals Approvals to allow the development of Love's Travel Stops and Country Stores.
MC-5-2011, ordained by the Morrow County Court on December 21, 2011. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Map to include a locally significant Aggregate Resource Site.
MC-1-2012, ordained by the Morrow County Court on January 11, 2012. An Ordinance adopting major amendments to the Morrow County Transportation System Plan in 2012.
MC-2-2012, ordained by the Morrow County Court on February 22, 2012. An Ordinance adopting the Port of Morrow and Interchange 84/Highway 730 Interchange Area Management Plans Amendments to the Morrow County Transportation System Plan.
MC-3-2012, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 17, 2012. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Map to include a Locally Significant Aggregate Resource Site.
OR-1-2012, adopted by the Morrow County Court on February 22, 2012. An Order affirming the decision of the Planning Commission on CUP-N-291, regarding the application of 2 Morrow Energy, LLC.
OR-1-2013, ordained by the Morrow County Court on September 4, 2013. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Plan Map, and the Zoning Ordinance Incorporating changes to review and approve Aggregate Resource Sites throughout Morrow County.
ORD-2-2013, ordained by the Morrow County Court on November 25, 2013. An Ordinance adopting an updated Appendix B Recommended Roadway System Projects Table B-1 high priority recommended Roadway System Projects to amend the Morrow County Transportation System Plan.
ORD-2014-1, ordained by the Morrow County Court on January 22, 2014. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Article 3 Section 3.073 Port Industrial Zone to clarify the purpose statement, uses allowed, updating Transportation Analysis Requirements, and removing requirements of the Port of Morrow.
ORD-2014-2, ordained by the Morrow County Court on April 23, 2014. An Ordinance declaring a Moratorium on Medical Marijuana Facilities, and declaring an emergency.
ORD-2014-3, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 2, 2014. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to protect an Aggregate Site under Goal 5 Rules and include the site in the Comprehensive Plan's Inventory of Natural Resources-Aggregate and Mineral Resources. Amend the Comprehensive Plan Map of Inventory of Natural Resources-Aggregate and Mineral Resources, and amend the zoning map to add the site to the Significant Resources Overlay Zone Map.
ORD-2014-4, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 9, 2014. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Plan Map, the Zoning Ordinance, and the Zoning Ordinance Map to plan and zone the Morrow County portion of the Umatilla Army Depot.
ORD-2014-5, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 27, 2014. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan adding language to protect an Aggregate Site under Goal 5 Rules and amend the zoning map to add the site to the Significant Resources Overlay Zone Map.
ORD-2014-6, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 27, 2014. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan adding language to protect an Aggregate Site under Goal 5 Rules and amend the zoning map to add the site to the Significant Resources Overlay Zone Map.
ORD-2014-7, ordained by the Morrow County Court on September 10, 2014. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to protect the Morgan Creek Aggregate Site under Goal 5 Rules and include the site in the Comprehensive Plan's Inventory of Natural Resources -Aggregate and Mineral Resources. Amend the Comprehensive Plan Map of Inventory of Natural Resources -Aggregate and Mineral Resources, and amend the zoning map to add the site to the Significant Resources Overlay Zone Map.
ORD-2014-8, ordained by the Morrow County Court on September 10, 2014. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to protect the Barratt Aggregate Site under Goal 5 Rules and include the site in the Comprehensive Plan's Inventory of natural Resources-Aggregate and Mineral Resources. Amend the Comprehensive Plan Map of Inventory of Natural Resources -Aggregate and Mineral Resources, and amend the zoning map to add the site to the Significant Resources Overlay Zone Map.
ORD-2014-9, ordained by the Morrow County Court on October 1, 2014. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan by incorporating two interchange area management plans as part of the Transportation System Plan, amend the Comprehensive Plan and zoning maps depicting the Interchange Management Area and amending the Zoning Ordinance Article 4 Supplementary Provision, specifically section 4.010 access.
ORD-2015-1, adopted by the Morrow County Court on March 4, 2015. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Article 1 Section 1.030 definitions and Article 3 Section 3.060 General Commercial in response to State Legislation concerned with Medical Marijuana Dispensaries.
ORD-2015-2, adopted by the Morrow County Court on May 20, 2015. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Transportation System Plan Appendix B Recommended Roadway System Projects.
ORD-2015-3, adopted by the Morrow County Court on June 10, 2015. An Ordinance amending the Morrow county Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element, Comprehensive Plan Map, Zoning Map, and applying the Rural Light Industrial Use Zone to a portion of the Lexington Urban Growth Boundary.
ORD-2015-4, adopted by the Morrow County Court on September 23, 2015. An Ordinance to opt out of marijuana activities including both medical and recreational operations as allowed under section 133(2), Chapter 614 Oregon Laws 2015 (enrolled House Bill 3400).
ORD-2015-5, adopted by the Morrow County Court on December 16, 2015. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, specifically replacing the Natural Hazards Element.
ORD-2016-2, ordained by the Morrow County Court on April 27, 2016. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, specifically replacing the Economic Element.
ORD-2016-3, ordained by the Morrow County Court on May 18, 2016. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map specifically taking a Goal 3 exception to rezone a portion of the Boardman Airport from Air Industrial Park to Airport Light Industrial; adding the Airport Light Industrial; Use Zone to the Zoning Ordinance; and applying the Airport Light Industrial Use Zone to the subject property at the Boardman Airport.
ORD-2016-4, ordained by the Morrow County Court on May 18, 2016. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance, specifically amending the Airport Approach and Airport Hazard Use Zones removing reference to the Boardman Airport, and adopting Airport Safety and Compatibility Overlay Zone and applying it to the Boardman Airport.
ORD-2016-5, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 27, 2016. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance updating Article 7 and other provisions relating to dimensional adjustments, variances, special or temporary uses, and non-conforming uses.
ORD-2016-6, adopted by the Morrow County Court on December 21, 2016. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to protect the Donaldson Canyon Aggregate Site under Goal 5 Rules and include the site in the Comprehensive Plan's Inventory of Natural Resources-Aggregate and Mineral Resources. Amend the Comprehensive Plan Map of Inventory of Natural Resources -Aggregate and Mineral Resources, and amend the Zoning Map to add the site to the Significant Resources Overlay Zone Map.
ORD-2016-7, adopted by the Morrow County Court on December 21, 2016. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan to protect the Threemile Canyon Aggregate Site under Goal 5 Rules and include the site in the Comprehensive Plan's Inventory of Natural Resources-Aggregate and Mineral Resources. Amend the Comprehensive Plan Map of Inventory of Natural Resources-Aggregate and Mineral Resources, and amend the Zoning Map to add the site to the Significant Resources Overlay Zone Map.
ORD-2017-1, adopted by the Morrow Board of Commissioners on June 14, 2017. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Transportation System Plan Appendix B Table 1 high priority recommended Roadway System Projects, Table 2 medium priority recommended Roadway System Projects and Table 3 Bridge Deficiencies.
ORD-2017-3, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on July 5, 2017. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Article 2 Establishment of Zones.
ORD-2017-4, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on July 5, 2017. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. More specifically amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Article 1 Introductory provisions; Article 3 use zones Section 3.010 Exclusive Farm Use and Section 3.020 Forest Use; Article 6 Conditional Uses; and Article 7 Dimensional Adjustments, Variances, Special or Temporary Permits, and Non-Conforming uses. Also removing from Article 3 the section concerned with Small Farm and amending the zoning map replacing Small Farm with Exclusive Farm Use.
ORD-2017-5, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on October 25, 2017. An Ordinance to opt out of marijuana activities, specifically medical licenses identified in enrolled Senate Bill 1057 (2017) and as allowed in enrolled House Bill 2198 (2017).
ORD-2017-6, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on October 25, 2017. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Moving Article 4 Supplementary Provision Section 4.170 Site Development Review to Article 3 Use Zones Section 3.130 Speedway Limited Use Overlay Zone.
ORD-2017-7, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on October 25, 2017. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map, and Zoning Ordinance Map, thereby expanding the Ione Urban Growth Boundary and Zoning the subject properties Rural Light Industrial and doing so in cooperation with the City of Ione.
ORD-2018-1, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on June 13, 2018. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan specifically taking an exception to Goal 3 to allow development of a Solar Photovoltaic Energy Generation Facility and associated equipment on land zoned Exclusive Farm Use.
ORD-2018-2, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on September 5, 2018. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County 2018-2038 Parks Master Plan as a reference document in support of Goal 8 Recreation and Goal 4 Forest Use.
ORD-2018-3, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on September 5, 2018. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, specifically the Inventory of Natural Resources-Aggregate and Mineral Resources, adding the Heideman Aggregate Site.
ORD-2018-4, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on November 28, 2018. An Ordinance Adopting the Lexington Airport Master Plan.
ORD-2019-1, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on January 3, 2019. An Ordinance adopting the Heppner Transportation System Plan applied solely within the Heppner Urban Growth boundary.
ORD-2019-2, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on February 20, 2019. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan taking an exception to Goals 3, 11, and 14, changing the Comprehensive Plan designation from Agricultural to Industrial, and changing the Zoning Map from Resource Related Industrial to Port Industrial.
ORD-2019-5, adopted by the Morrow County Board of Commissioners on April 24, 2019. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan, specifically the Inventory of Natural Resources-Aggregate and Mineral Resources, adding the Miller/Haguewood Aggregate Site.