Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement

Morrow County adopted the current Code Enforcement Ordinance in July 2021 which governs motor vehicles, general nuisances, housing as a public nuisance, chronic nuisances, noise as public nuisances, dogs as a public nuisance, environmental health, animal neglect, and weed control. The Code Enforcement Ordinance also serves as the enforcement mechanism for many other adopted county ordinances including, but not limited to, the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Solid Waste Ordinance.

The following represent some of the most common Code Enforcement actions.

Junk, Garbage and Debris: We regularly receive complaints about a neighbor that is not using the approved sanitary waste hauler and letting solid waste accumulate on their property. That is a violation of both the Solid Waste Ordinance and the Code Enforcement Ordinance. Please see Section 5 Nuisances of the Code Enforcement Ordinance for a list of general nuisances.

Use of Recreational Vehicles: Morrow County allows the use of a recreational vehicle in the following instances: during the construction of a primary dwelling (not to exceed twelve months); for up to 30 days in a calendar year for guests adjacent to a primary dwelling; in the Forest Use zone for recreational purposes when a Zoning Permit and Rural Address have been issued; and when approved as part of a medical hardship variance. The only other lawful use of a recreational vehicle as a residential unit is when in a leased spot within an approval recreational vehicle park.

Dogs as a Public Nuisance: Morrow County is a Dog Control District which means dogs cannot run free off the dog owners property. Specifically “all dogs shall be kept within the real property limits of the keeper of the dog and under control of the responsible person, or contained with a fence that maintains control of the animal. While off the property of the keeper of the dog, a dog must be on a leash or lead under control of a responsible person or be contained within a portable kennel.” Dogs as a Public Nuisance is covered in depth in Section 9 of the Code Enforcement Ordinance.

Weed Control: The 2015 update of the Code Enforcement Ordinance incorporated Weed Control provisions and established a Weed Control District. Should a noxious weed or a weed considered to be of economic importance be found on your property Section 11 of the Code Enforcement Ordinance provides the information you will need to become compliant. Questions about Weed Control should be directed to Corey Sweeney in Public Works at 541-989-9502.

Noise: My neighbor is having a party! When do they have to turn down the music? According to the Code Enforcement Ordinance, Section 8 Noise as a Public Nuisance, they have to be quiet from 11:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. But if the farmer next door is cutting hay at 3:00 a.m. he is exempt as are all agricultural actions.

How do I lodge a complaint? Complaints may be submitted through the Web Form on this page or by calling the Planning Department during business hours at 541-922-4624. Please email  for additional details regarding the submission of a Complaint Form. You can also contact the Sheriff’s Office at the 24-hour non-emergency number, 541-676-5317.