UCo Health (Septic Approvals in Morrow County)

Umatilla County Health and Morrow County Planning announced that as of May 3, 2019 all program responsibilities for onsite septic systems in Morrow County have transferred from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to UCo Health. This means that UCo Health is now responsible for conducting site evaluations, issuing construction permits, conducting pre-cover inspections, storage of historical records, and issuing authorization notices for most septic systems located in Morrow County. UCo Health will also be responsible for all pumper truck inspections in Morrow County. 

DEQ will retain authority for licensing contractors and pumpers, as well as permitting for systems with high strength waste and systems with flows over 2,500 gallons per day. 

Applications for site evaluations, permits, etc. can be obtained at the following locations: 


Umatilla County Health Department

200 SE 3rd Street                                               435 E. Newport Street

Pendleton, OR 97801                                         Hermiston, OR 97838

(Monday-Friday)                                               ( Thursday & Friday ONLY)

Morrow County Planning Department

205 Third Street NE

Irrigon, OR 97844

( Monday - Friday )


Electronic Site Suitability forms are available on UCo Health's website HERE

Submissions and public record requests can be made to Health@umatillacounty.net