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1980-1989 Ordinances

MC-C-3-83, ordained by the Morrow County Court on August 24, 1983. An Ordinance in the matter of the adoption of amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the County of Morrow pursuant to the finding of the Land Conservation and Development Commission of the State of Oregon.
MC-C-1-85, ordained by the Morrow County Court on March 6, 1985. In the Matter of an Ordinance adopting amendments to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the County of Morrow pursuant to finding of the Land Conservation and Development Commission of the State of Oregon.
MC-C-4-85, ordained by the Morrow County Court on September 4, 1985. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance of June 25, 1980, to include changes required by the Land Conservation and Development Commission to bring the plan and Subdivision Ordinances to compliance with statewide planning goals and into an acknowledgeable form as required by ORS Chapter 197.
MC-C-7-85, ordained by the Morrow County Court on September 4, 1985. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plans to include changes required by the L.C.D.C. consisting of the exceptions statements and findings for the East Boardman FR-2 Zone and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-1-86, ordained by the Morrow County Court on February 25, 1986. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Designation and Zoning Classification for certain land in the unincorporated areas of Morrow County, Oregon, and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-2-86, ordained by the Morrow County Court on March 5, 1986. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation and zoning classification for certain land in the unincorporated areas of Morrow County Oregon and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-3-86, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 2, 1986. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation and zoning ordinance in the unincorporated areas of Morrow County, Oregon, and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-4-86, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 2, 1986. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation and zoning classification for certain land in the unincorporated areas of Morrow County, Oregon, and declaring an emergency.
001-87b, adopted by the Morrow County Court on November 4, 1987. Rezone of 14,080 acres of lands zoned for Exclusive Farm Use to Space Age Industrial.
MC-C-1-88, adopted by the Morrow County Court on May 12, 1988. An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan Designations and Zoning Ordinance in the unincorporated areas of Morrow County, Oregon, and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-1-89, adopted by the Morrow County Court on January 13, 1989. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance by adding a section relating to the Flood Damage Prevention for certain land in the unincorporated areas of Morrow County, and declaring an emergency.
MC-C-2-89, adopted by the Morrow County Court on February 8, 1989. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance by enlarging the Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Boardman consisting of the Exception Statement, Finding of Fact, and Revised Urban Growth Boundary Map.
MC-C-3-89, ordained by the Morrow County Court on July 19, 1989. An Ordinance amending the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Map in the following described properties, in township 4 North, Range 25, Section 10, Tax Lots: 3000,3302, 3205, 3201, 3100, 3204, 3202, and 3206: from small farm 40 to Rural Service Center Zone, all within the Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Boardman, Morrow County, Oregon.