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What is Agri-tourism?
In 2011 the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 960 (SB960) allowing counties to permit agri-tourism and other commercial events or activities.
Morrow County has adopted regulations to allow Exclusive Farm Use property owners to hold a permit for a certain number of events for profit each year on their property.
What kind of permit is required for Agri-tourism events?
Morrow County Planning makes land use decisions for Agri-tourism events. There are three types of Agri-tourism permits as summarized here:
“Single Event” licenses for one event each calendar year for a maximum of 72 consecutive hours, up to 500 attendees, and onsite parking for 250 vehicles.
“Six Events” Limited Use Permits for up to six events in a calendar year for a maximum of 72 consecutive hours per event and may be valid for two calendar years.
“18 Events” Limited Use Permits for up to 18 events each year on a parcel of at least 160 acres in size. Events are incidental and subordinate to the existing commercial farm use of the parcel and necessary to support commercial farm uses or agricultural enterprises in the area.
How to obtain an Agri-tourism permit?
Morrow County Planning issues Land Use Permits for Agri-tourism events. You can download a Land Use Request Application from planning’s web page at www.co.morrow.or.us/planning or request the application from the planning office. You will also need to complete a Supplemental Application addressing information specific to the proposed event. Planning staff are available each day from 9am-5pm and are happy to help.
What happens after I submit the application?
The Planning Director shall review the application and all information submitted with it and evaluate whether the application is complete enough to process. Within 30 days of receipt of the application, the Planning Director shall complete this initial review and issue to the applicant a written statement indicating whether the application is complete enough to process, and, if not, what information must be submitted to make the application complete.
What type of conditions will be placed on Agri-tourism events?
Specific Conditional Use Permit Standards for Agri-tourism events are listed in the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance (MCZO) section 3.010 (22)(J). Along with limitations on the number of events, event hours, vehicles and attendees, parking, additional standards that may apply include:
- Events must be incidental and subordinate to the existing farm use on the tract of land.
- Events must occur outdoors, in temporary structures, or existing permitted structures, subject to fire and life safety requirements.
- Events must not cause the land to be altered, such as grading, filling or paving, etc.
- Events in combination with other Agri-tourism events, commercial events or activities authorized in the area shall not alter the stability of the area land use pattern.
What can I do without an Agri-tourism permit?
If you are operating a farm in an EFU zone you may have u-pick, u-cut, hay rides and conduct activities for children such as picking pumpkins from a pumpkin patch. These activities generally are part of the commercial farming operation and do not require a permit.
What about farm stands?
The main purpose of a farm stand is the sale of farm crops and livestock grown on the farm, or grown on other farm operations in the local agricultural area. Farm products may include both fresh and processed items such as jams, syrups, apple cider, cheese, cured meats and similar farm crop and livestock products, but not prepared foods.
Incidental items and fees from promotional activities are allowed and may not make up more than 25 percent of the total annual sales from the farm stand. Incidental items could include food utensils, hats, sunscreen, etc.
The farm stand structure must be designed and used for the sale of farm products and may not include a structure for occupancy as a residence or for other activities for banquets, public gatherings or public entertainment.
What kind of permit is required for a farm stand?
Morrow County Planning issues a Zoning Permit for constructing and operation of a farm stand. The Zoning Permit requires a site plan review and may be issued over the counter while the applicant waits. You can download a Zoning Permit from the Planning Department web page at https://www.co.morrow.or.us/planning or request the application from the planning office.
The Blue Mountains through the southern portion of the county are rich with history and beauty, including numerous opportunities to catch a glimpse of the diverse wildlife in the area.