Columbia River Heritage Trail Master Plan RFP

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 2:00pm
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Columbia River Heritage Trail Master Plan 

Morrow County is requesting Proposals from qualified professional engineering or related firms to prepare a Trail Master Plan for the Columbia River Heritage Trail. Interested parties should submit a proposal that includes all the information described in this RFP.

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) has awarded Morrow County $40,000 via the Local Government Grant Program, which will be matched with $40,000 from the county for a total of $80,000 in funding for the plan creation.

Interested bidders should submit their proposals to Morrow County c/o Tamra Mabbott at Morrow County Government Center 215 NE Main Avenue, Irrigon, OR 97844 no later than 2:00 p.m., May 30, 2024, via hand delivery, email, U.S. Postal Service, FedEx or UPS.

Contact Tamra Mabbott, County Planning Director for information regarding this process by email at,  or by phone at 541-922-4624. If proposers have questions regarding this solicitation, questions shall be submitted in writing to Mrs. Mabbott. All responses will be issued by email.