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Clone of Transportation System Plan

In 2005 a major update to the original 1998 Transportation System Plan (TSP) was completed with the intent that the plan would guide transportation system development for the next 20 years. It was understood that the plan would need to be periodically updated to ensure it remains current and meets county needs. Minor updates were completed in the spirit of keeping the plan current.
The current version, the 2012 major update to the Transportation System Plan, replaced the TSP in its entirety and was designed to support transportation growth for the next 5 to 7 years and address a 20-year planning horizon. At that time, to limit the number of potential short-term amendments and support easier maintenance of the project lists, some portions of the TSP have been rearranged. Most notably the project lists were moved to Appendix B. A new Appendix B has been adopted with updated project lists with an effective date of July 1, 2017.
Morrow County’s transportation planning is broader than just the TSP and includes several Interchange Area Management Plans, a Corridor Refinement Plan, Airport Layout Plans and the most recent addition – the Morrow County Coordinated Human Services Public Transportation Plan. The following provides a bit of insight into each of these specialized Plans:
US Highway 730 Corridor Refinement Plan: This Plan, co-adopted with Umatilla County, identifies concerns and proposes solutions to safety issues along Highway 730 between the Urban Growth Boundaries of Umatilla and Irrigon. It identifies a potential grid network to serve future residential development east of Irrigon to the county line.
Interchange Area Management Plans (IAMP): There are four IAMP's in Morrow County along Interstate 84. Each addresses a single interchange with a management area and can influence land use decisions if there is a potential for impacts to its interchange. Those four Interchanges are:
- Interstate 84/Army Depot Access Road IAMP: While this Interchange is actually in Umatilla County, Morrow County did co-adopt it as it provides the access for the Port Industrial land within Morrow County at the Umatilla Army Depot.
- Interstate 84/Paterson Ferry Road IAMP: This IAMP was adopted, just like the Army Depot Access Road IAMP, in support of future industrial development at the Umatilla Army Depot.
- Interstate 84/US Highway 730 IAMP: This was adopted in support of road expansion within the Port of Morrow with this IAMP focusing on the East Beach Industrial Area and impacts to Highway 730 based on the intersection of Highway 730 and Lewis & Clark Drive.
- Interstate 84/Port of Morrow IAMP: This was also adopted in support of road expansion within the Port of Morrow to address how the new intersection of Highway 730 and Lewis & Clark Drive would alleviate impacts to this Interchange.
Airports: Both public use airports in Morrow County have adopted Airport Layout Plans (ALPs).
- The Lexington ALP addresses development at the Lexington Airport.
- The Boardman ALP addresses development at the Boardman Airport.
Other Plans: The Morrow County Coordinated Human Services Public Transportation Plan was adopted to support the Special Transportation Program and addresses current activity and future desires for this program. For additional information contact Anita Pranger, Public Transportation Coordinator, at 541-676-5667 ext 5245 or via email at apranger@co.morrow.or.us.
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