Clone of June 27th | Rowan Green Data, LLC.

Rowan Green Data, LLC.

AC-145-23; ACM-146-23; AZM-147-23 Comprehensive Plan and Map Amendment.  Rowan Percheron, LLC, Applicant.   

The property is located approximately 9 miles south of I-84 on Tower Road.  The application proposes to amend the Comprehensive Plan to allow for rezoning approximately 274 acres from Exclusive Farm (EFU) Use to General Industrial (MG) and adopt a Limited Use Overlay Zone to limit MG uses to a data center only.  The application also includes an exception to Statewide Planning Goals 3 Farmland, Goal 11 Public Facilities, and Goal 14 Urbanization. Applicable Criteria include Morrow County Zoning Ordinance (MCZO) Article 8 Amendments, Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-004-0010.