Morrow County Public Transit Advisory Committee

Morrow County Public Transit Advisory Committee (MCPT)

Established July 2022

(The STF and STIF Committees consolidated to form the MCPT advisory committee in July of 2022)



Goal and Purpose

The MCPT committee assists the county in recommending, developing, and reviewing public transit services for the residents living in Morrow County. MCPT committee’s goal is to provide safe, caring, and reliable transportation services to enhance the quality of life.


MCPT Committee Meetings

This committee meets every other month starting in December 2024. Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month starting at 3 pm. A virtual option is available to attend.


MCTP Committee Representation

The committee is formed of nine positions, each position also has an alternate position. Alternate members may stand in as voting members if their designated voting member is absent. The committee is comprised of each community of Morrow County – Boardman, Irrigon, Ione, Lexington, and Heppner. Each member must represent their community in at least one of the following areas:


  • Local governments, including land use planners
  • People with disabilities
  • Veterans
  • Low-income individuals
  • Social equity advocates
  • Environmental advocates
  • Black, indigenous, and people of color
  • Bicycle and pedestrian advocates
  • People with limited English proficiency
  • Public health, social, and human service providers
  • Transit users who depend on transit for accomplishing daily activities
  • Individuals age 65 or older
  • Educational institutions
  • Public Transportation Service Providers
  • Non-profit entities which provide public transportation service
  • Neighboring Public Transportation Service Providers or
  • Major destinations for users of public transit

For more information about this committee and/or vacancies please contact Katie Imes, Transit Manager at 541-676-5667 or