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Rider Guide
For Passengers
The Loop Morrow County Public Transit:
Phone: 1-844-676-5667
TTY: 1-800-735-2900
Mailing Address:
PO Box 495 – Heppner, OR 97836
215 N Main St, Irrigon, OR 97844
Email: theloop@morrowcountyor.gov
Demand response service is offered Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. with the exception of cancellations due to inclement weather. Trip times can be adjusted to meet earlier or later appointments or activities. Weekend activity trips can also be requested through the transportation program office.
Community Mission
The Loop - Morrow County Public Transit strives to provide accessible, safe, comfortable, and timely curb-to-curb transportation for veterans, seniors, persons with disabilities, and other groups or individuals in Morrow County.
The Loop - Morrow County Public Transit is funded through the Oregon Department of Transportation Special Transportation Fund, Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund, Morrow County, user donations, and other grant funds and service contracts as available. The Morrow County Public Transit Program is administered and operated by Morrow County with the assistance of the Morrow County Public Transit Advisory Committee. The program is an intra-county and inter-county service for eligible residents and visitors. The program is operated according to policies and procedures which permit it to serve as many people as possible in a fair, efficient, and effective manner without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientations, national origin, marital status, age, or disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, ORS Chapter 659A or other applicable law.
All ride requests are to be scheduled and approved through the Morrow County Public Transit Office/Dispatch Center. To request a ride or to find information about the program, passengers are encouraged to call The Loop Morrow County Public Transit Office at 1-844-676-5667 (toll-free), TTY 1-800-235-2900, if it would mean a long-distance charge. Requests should be made at least 48 hours before the day the ride is required. The Loop Morrow County Public Transit will attempt to fill requests made less than 48 hours in advance but cannot guarantee them. To allow all Morrow County residents equal access, most services are provided on an advance reservation, “first come, first served” basis. All efforts will be made to combine trips when possible.
Passengers need to provide the following information when making a reservation:
Full Name of Rider
Rider’s Address
Telephone Number
Date of Birth
Specific Appointment Time
For Medical appointments, provide the Doctor or Medical Facility’s Name & Address.
Rides will not be scheduled with the Drivers or via email.
All of our transit services are fare-free and available to all Morrow County residents, regardless of income, age, gender, ability, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigration status.
Service is offered Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with the exception of holidays or cancellations due to inclement weather. Trip times can be adjusted to meet earlier or later appointments or activities. Weekend activity trips may also be requested through the Transportation Program Office when the trip meets the program's purposes.
Medicaid/OHP transportation to medical appointments is arranged through brokerage channels. Transportation may be arranged with various transportation providers throughout the region. It is available to those with a current Oregon Health Plan Card who need transportation to a medical appointment and with no other way to get there.
Transportation for Veterans to medical facilities can also be arranged by calling the Morrow County Public Transit Office at 1-844-676-5667, TTY 1-800-735-2900, please tell the Dispatcher that you are a Veteran when booking the transportation.
Cancellations need to be turned into the Transit Manager or Transit Dispatcher 24 hours in advance. The number to call for cancellation is 1-844-676-5667 (toll-free), TTY 1-800-735-2900. Riders are responsible for calling as soon as possible to cancel pick-up or return trips. If the Transit Manager or Dispatcher is unavailable, leave the message on the voice mail. If the trip was scheduled through the brokerage program the passenger is also required to call and cancel the trip through them.
If you are unable to make a ride you have scheduled, you must notify Dispatch at least 1 hour ahead of your scheduled pickup time to avoid a “No-Show”. If it is not during office hours, leave a message.
A pattern of cancelations and no-shows may result in a suspension of future rides. A passenger accruing 3 no-shows or late cancelations in a 30-day period will result in a suspension warning. After a warning, if a passenger has 3 no-shows or late cancelations in a 30-day period, they will be suspended for 30 days. If the passenger would like to appeal the suspension, they may contact the Dispatch center for a Suspension Appeal Form.
Morrow County Public Transit does not charge a fare but accepts donations as part of the program support. No ride will be denied due to failure to pay a donation. Morrow County may impose a ridership fee in the future. When donations are given to the Driver, they are put in a numbered deposit envelope and the receipt is then detached and given to the Rider. The donation is then attached to the trip sheet and given to the Dispatcher, who then opens the envelope and attaches to a County receipt form with the date, amount, name of the donor and the Driver. The donation is given to the Transit Manager for verification and is then taken to the County Treasurer for deposit.
Drivers are not required, nor should they be expected to search for riders. Riders are to be ready at least 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled time. Drivers are not responsible for carrying or delivering groceries and/or other baggage but may assist if instructed by Morrow County. Drivers are not required to provide assistance to riders but may assist if instructed by Morrow County. If assistance is needed, the rider is responsible for proving their own escort or personal care attendant. The escort/PCA must be identified as a rider when the reservation is made. The escort/PCA is not expected to donate for the trip. Drivers are required to assist riders on and off the wheelchair lift/ramp and secure wheelchairs. The program is not an emergency ambulance or medical transport service and will not serve as one. The Loop Morrow County Public Transit Drivers are not trained, medical professionals. Drivers are not permitted to accept monetary gifts, tips, or gratuities any monies recieved will be treated as donations to the program.
Morrow County Public Transit is an intra-county and inter-county service for eligible residents and visitors of Morrow County. The Loop Morrow County Public Transit geographic service area is primarily the 2,047 square miles contained in Morrow County and makes frequent trips outside of the official service area to other requested locations.
Morrow County Public Transit staff provide high-quality service to our passengers. Each person who boards our vehicles can expect to be treated with dignity, respect, and patience. We recognize that The Loop Morrow County Public Transit's success depends heavily on the program’s reputation in the county and it is our staff and volunteers that make success a reality.
Our passengers have certain responsibilities to fulfill in order to use our service. However, passengers do not always understand these obligations and it is the role of The Loop Morrow County Transit Manager, Supervisor, Dispatcher, and Drivers to patiently explain the rules and educate our passengers to be successful users of our services.
The Transit Manager and Transit Dispatcher attempt to match the most suitable transportation for the individual while attempting to coordinate rides to utilize Morrow County Transit Drivers and vehicles in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
Only The Loop Morrow County Public Transit approved Drivers may provide transportation. Approved Drivers may transport family members to and from locations/appointments according to priority and need. All trips and Drivers must be approved and scheduled by The Loop Morrow County Transit Manager or Transit Dispatcher prior to transport.
Being Ready to Ride: Passengers should be ready to board the vehicle at least 15 minutes prior to the assigned pick-up time to account for other riders that may have canceled. If the vehicle is more than 15 minutes late, the passengers should call the Transit Office/Dispatch Center. Those who are not at the designated pick-up point may be left behind.
No Shows: If a passenger is not at the scheduled pick-up location, the Driver will call the Transit Supervisor or Transit Dispatcher immediately. If there is no answer, after calling the number given and knocking on the door the Driver will wait 15 minutes and if there is still no answer then they will leave. In some cases, an intended passenger may be disabled in their home and cannot answer the door.
Driver’s Assistance: Drivers are not responsible for carrying or delivering groceries and/or other packages or baggage, although Drivers may provide assistance with these carry-on items. Drivers are discouraged from entering private residences to carry items indoors for a passenger. The Driver will drop off riders as close to their destinations as safely possible. Drivers are not required, nor should they be expected to search for passengers. Drivers are required to assist riders on and off the wheelchair lift/ramp and secure the wheelchairs. Drivers are not permitted to accept monetary gifts, tips or gratuities.
Escort/Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Policy: Our Drivers are not required to assist passengers into or out of their residence. We recommend that anyone who is unable to assist themselves getting into or out of their residence, or are frail and need other assistance, bring an escort or PCA with them. Personal Care Attendants are not expected to pay a donation and will ride for free.
Refusal of Service: Refusal of service will be based on, but not limited, to the following:
- Intoxication
- Violent behavior
- Illegal conduct
Service will also be refused to anyone who:
- Poses a threat to the safety of themselves or others
- Compromises the general health of themselves or others
Mobility Devices and Personal Securement:
The Loop Morrow County Public Transit has fully accessible vehicles which are available to safely transport the majority of non-ambulatory passengers who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices or those unable to board using the steps. A securement device is required, as is a seatbelt. Please alert the Dispatcher if using a mobility device such as a walker, manual or motorized wheelchair, or scooter and if you need a lift or ramp to enter the vehicle. This allows the appropriate vehicle to be used for the trip. Vehicle Operators are trained in handling and securing mobility devices and assisting passengers with special needs. All mobility devices must be secured within the vehicle by the Driver.
All passengers and Drivers riding in a van or bus are required to use the seatbelts.
Passengers who refuse to wear a seatbelt will be denied service. If a passenger has an Oregon DMV Medical Exemption, it must be shown to the Driver every time the passenger rides. Failure to show the document requires a passenger to wear the seat belt as required by the program.
Oxygen Tanks: Portable oxygen tanks are allowed on The Loop Morrow County Public Transit vehicles but must be stored in such a manner as to not become a hazard in an accident situation. They will be stowed under a seat or in some way that they will not become a projectile. Oxygen tanks are limited to portable travel size. Please let the Dispatcher know, when the ride is scheduled, that a portable oxygen tank will be brought on board.
Animals: Animals will not be allowed in vehicles unless they are service animals. Service animals are permitted to accompany individuals with disabilities in vehicles and facilities operated by Morrow County Public Transit. The rider may be refused transportation services if the service animal is not under the control of the person with the disability, or if it is threatening the safety of others. Service animals must remain with the rider at all times.
Smoking: NO SMOKING by passengers or Drivers is allowed in the vehicles. There is no variance from this policy whether or not the van has passengers.
Cell phones: While the use of cell phones is permitted on the vehicles, The Loop Morrow County Public Transit asks that passengers please be considerate of the other riders. Loud talking that disturbs other passengers may result in a Driver asking the offending passenger to refrain from using their phones.
Sleeping Passengers: Passengers who fall asleep while in transit should be awakened carefully as they may be disoriented and/or violent as they awake. If a passenger cannot be awakened, the vehicle Driver should call 911 for assistance.
Passengers May Not:
- Engage in Prohibited or Illegal Actions
- Carry Hazardous Objects or Weapons
- Transport Flammable, Caustic or Poisonous Materials
- Play Radio, Cd Player, Or Tape Player Without the Use of Earphones or Only If Inaudible to Others
- Circulate Petitions or Attempt to Collect Signatures
Seat Belts: Passengers and Drivers must wear seatbelts any time the vehicle is moving. Drivers will stop the vehicle and not continue until everyone has their seatbelt fastened. The only exemption to this policy is if the passenger presents a “State Certification of Exemption” to the Driver. The certification must be presented for every trip.
The program is not an emergency ambulance and will not serve as one. The Loop Drivers are not trained, medical professionals. If the passenger is having sudden life-threatening issues they need to call 911 to get the proper responders.
Driveways must be passable and safe if the passenger is to be picked up at the curb. The Driver will drop off riders as close to their destination as safely possible.
Transportation service may be canceled when road conditions are or may become too difficult or hazardous for the safe operation of a vehicle. Transportation service will also be canceled during weather that might compromise the safety of passengers in either the area of trip origin, route of travel, or trip destination. Riders will be notified by on of the following; Transit Manager, Operations Supervisor, Transit Dispatcher or Transit Driver as early as possible. Inclement weather conditions are not confined to winter weather.
Riders with compliments, problems, or suggestions may write
Morrow County Transportation
PO Box 495
Heppner, OR 97836
or call 1-800-676-5667, TTY 1-800-235-2900.
To file a complaint, a The Loop Morrow County Public Transit Complaint Form may be requested from The Loop Morrow County Public Transit Manager, Dispatcher, or from the Driver during a trip.