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Veterans Services Information
Monday: by appointment
Tuesday through Thursday:
10am-5pm (Closed during the lunch hour)
Phone: (541) 922-6420
To provide you the attention you deserve, please call for an appointment.
Amanda Kendrick
County Veterans Service Officer
Dianna Strong
Veterans Services Office Assistant
Main Office Location:
Morrow County Government Center
215 NE Main Ave
Irrigon, OR 97844
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 560
Irrigon, OR 97844
Healthcare Enrollment or VA Compensation Claims
Please bring the following documents to your appointment. If you are missing documents needed to process your claim, we will help you get them.
Proof of Military Service, preferably DD214 or discharge document.
If you do not have the discharge document, please attempt to know the dates of active duty service or the veteran’s service number.
Your Doctor’s name, address, and telephone number.
We will obtain the necessary medical information about current disabilities and/or limitations.
If you have private medical records, please bring these to your appointment.
Marriage Certificate for current marriage.
Direct deposit information, including a voided check or deposit slip.
If veteran or current spouse or widow had previous marriages, a complete marital history for all parties, to include the date of marriage, the city and state a marriage began and date of divorce or death and city and state of where it ended. Including the name of the former spouse(s). If you need assistance accessing this information please ask how we may help you at your appointment.
Pension Claims
A current bank statement showing all sources of family income including Social Security, retirement pensions, IRA, interest or dividend income, etc.
Social security letter for you and your spouse if applicable.
Value of all assets, including stocks, bonds, annuities, IRAs, CDs, rental property income, etc.
All out of pocket, unreimbursed medical expenses paid each month by the veteran and/or spouse or widow. This can include expenses for medical insurance premiums (including medicare) prescriptions, dental care , vision care, audiology, any medical co-pays and cost of care in home or in a facility, etc. You may bring a listing of these expenses for the year previous to the date of your appointment. In some cases, VA may be able to establish eligibility a year earlier than the date of claim.
Survivor's Benefits or Widow's Claims
Veterans Use Only Death Certificate, request at no charge from your funeral director.
Marriage License
Please call for additional information.