Morrow County Wraparound Services Approach



The Wraparound service model was initially developed in the 1980's as a means for maintaining youth with the most serious emotional and behavioral problems in their home and community. As a result of Juvenile Crime Prevention dollars Morrow County implemented our own version of the model around 2001 and it has been in place since.

Wraparound services provide individualized, comprehensive, community-based services and supports to youth with serious emotional and/or behavioral issues. The model is a paradigm shift from traditional service delivery in that it strives to develop plans with youth and families focusing on individual strengths and needs of the family unit.  Wraparound services are strength-based and culturally sensitive. They are evidenced based and drive our philosophical approach and strategy, when working with delinquent youth and families.

Youth and families often have multiple risks and needs assessed using a validated risk assessment tool. Youth typically will score in multiple domains and generally be either medium or high risk to re-offend or otherwise remain under the auspices of the Juvenile Department Jurisdiction. The vast majority of youth served are on Formal Court Probation and exhibit multiple risk factors.

The Oregon Youth Authority's Youth Reformation System and the tools within it including the various assessments, typology designation, predicted success rates with respect to placement type, escalation to OYA tool, recidivism tracking and many other tools within the YRS spectrum,  provide data driven information to assist in case management and inform decision making at various points within a referred case.  The Morrow County Juvenile Department enjoys a strong partnership with the Oregon Youth Authority and employs the CEOJJC (Central and Eastern Oregon Juvenile Justice Consortium) co-management partnership strategy to assure the best and most appropriate service delivery to our Juvenile population.