Emergency Operations Plan

This Emergency Operations Plan is an all-hazard plan that describes how Morrow County will organize and respond to emergencies and disasters in the community. It is based on, and is compatible with, federal, the State of Oregon, and other applicable laws, regulations, plans, and policies, including Presidential Policy Directive 8, the National Response Framework, and Oregon Office of Emergency Management plans.

Response to emergency or disaster conditions to maximize the safety of the public and minimize property damage is a primary responsibility of the government. It is the goal of Morrow County that responses to such conditions are conducted in the most organized, efficient, and effective manner possible. To aid in accomplishing this goal, the County has, in addition to promulgating this plan, formally adopted the principles of the National Incident Management System, including the Incident Command System, National Response Framework, and National Disaster Recovery Framework.

Consisting of a Basic Plan, Emergency Support Function Annexes that complement the federal and State of Oregon Emergency Support Function Annexes, Recovery Support Function Annexes, and Incident Annexes, this Emergency Operations Plan provides a framework for coordinated response and recovery activities during a large-scale emergency. The plan describes how various agencies and organizations in Morrow County will coordinate resources and activities with other federal, state, local, tribal, community, and faith-based organizations, and private-sector partners.