Morrow County Vital Records

Morrow County Clerk, is the Death Registrar for Morrow County. 


County registrar sale of certified copies of records of live birth and death; rules. The Oregon Health Authority shall adopt, taking into consideration local service needs and interests, rules to allow a county registrar to sell, within six months of the date of the event occurring in the county, certified copies of records of death.

Morrow County does not do birth records: You can apply at the State for one, here.

Death records are not a public record in Oregon. ,

The following are a list of who can purchase a certified copy of a death record. 

The decedent’s spouse, domestic partner who is registered by the state, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, next of kin, legal guardian immediately before death or legal representative, an authorized representative, a person in charge of disposition, a government agency acting in the conduct of its official duties, an employee or agent of a funeral home or person acting as a funeral service practitioner.


  •  $25.00 for each record

State Site for Vital Records information