Corner Certificates provide information about the history and monumentation of public land corners. Each corner in the Public Land Survey System (Section corners, Quarter Section corners, etc...) have a unique identifier based on the Township and Range they are in as shown on the sample corner grid found "HERE"

To determine if there is a certificate for any particular corner in the township you are interested in, scroll to the bottom of this page and download the current filed corner index listed under supporting documents.

The index information is arranged by Township, Range, Corner Identifier, Date (month and year) and the surveyor who prepared the certificate. A sample is shown below:

1N           22          A25         Jan-12      BESEDA
1N           22          P25         May-05    EDWARDS

Please be aware that there may be multiple certificates for the same corner. Once you know which corner certificates you would like to view, select them by the corner identifier below.