Morrow County Parks Committee Meeting - Site Visit

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 (All day)

Morrow County Parks Committee Meeting – Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Meeting will be held at the Morrow County OHV Park Support Building, with lunch and tour of the park after. Please set aside an entire day to so that can enjoy what facility has to offer.

Lunch will be offered at the park with specifics to be determined at a later date.

Tentative Schedule:
   Meeting: 10am-11am
   Lunch: 11am-1130am
   Tour: 1145pm-4pm

Park Committee Members there should be enough machines that all Park Committee Members can go on tour, but will need to RSVP to ensure seating. All others if you have an ATV (quad, side x side, or motorcycle) bring it along and join in.

This meeting will need to be RSVP due to lunch service and the tour.

Note:   Travel time from Boardman to OHV Park is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes (76 miles)
            Travel time from Heppner to OHV Park is approximately 1 hour (33 miles)

            Travel time from Irrigon to OHV Park is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes (80 miles)
            Travel time from Lexington to OHV Park is approximately 1 hour (42 miles)