RFP for Construction Manager/General Contractor Services - Circuit Court Annex

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 3:00pm
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ADDENDUM NO. 1 Posted January 3, 2025, responding to clarifying questions about the Request for Proposals

Morrow County invites sealed written proposals for CM/GC services associated with the construction of the work related to the Morrow County Courthouse Project. The scope of services may include but is not necessarily limited to pre-construction services and construction services.

This RFP is for a public works subject to the state prevailing wage requirements specified in ORS 279C.800 to 279C.875.

Prospective proposers may obtain a copy of the RFP, including the terms and conditions of the agreement to provide the requested services, by visiting the County’s web-page (www.co.morrow.or.us/rfps).

One (1) original and five (5) hard copies of the Proposal and supporting documentation as described in this RFP must be delivered to Matthew Jensen at the Morrow County Bartholomew Building, 110 N. Court St., Heppner, Oregon 97836 no later than 3:00 p.m., Pacific Time, on January 7, 2025. Proposers shall also provide one courtesy copy of the Proposal in PDF format on a USB storage or similar flash storage device. All packages and envelopes must be marked clearly with the note: “RFP—CM/GC Services, 3:00 p.m., January 7, 2025.”


Please direct any questions regarding this RFP in writing only to Doug Carl, at: doug@alliancemcs.com. Or by mailing Alliance Management & Construction Solutions, L.L.C., 6855 W. Clearwater Ave., Suite A101, #161, Kennewick, WA 99336. Proposers should request clarification or additional information concerning this RFP in writing as soon as possible, but in no event will such requests be received by the County later than 3:00 p.m., Pacific Time, on December 23, 2024. All questions will be answered by written addenda only, which will be posted on the County’s web-page (www.co.morrow.or.us/rfps).